SCIENTIFIC NAME: Bowdichia nitida Spruce – Leguminosae Papilionoidae

REGION: South America.

OTHER NAMES: Cutiuba, Macanaiba, Sapupira, Sucupira-Amarela, Sucupira-da-Mata, Sucupira-Pele-de-Sapo, Sucupira-Preta and Sucupira-Vermelha.

COLOR: Heartwood chocolate brown when freshly cut, becoming dark brown after drying. Light brown narrow stripes, giving a fibrous aspect to the wood. Sapwood narrow grayish or pinkish gray, clearly distinct from the heartwood.

GRAIN and TEXTURE: Grain slightly interlocked, texture medium to coarse, luster moderate.

ODOR: No distinctive odor.

DENSITY: Heavy wood, with density of 1,010 Kg/m³ at 12% MC and green density of 1,220 Kg/m³.

DRYING: Very difficult air-drying, with tendency for slight end checking and warping. Kiln-dries rapidly, with moderate tendency for medium checking and twisting.

WORKABILITY: Moderately difficult to work with tools. Good to saw, but difficult to plane due to interlocked grain. Easy to turn, with excellent finishing and with good screw-holding properties. Finishes well with varnish or polishing once the wood pores are properly filled with sealer.

DURABILITY: Durable and resistant to dry-wood fungi and termites. Low resistance to marine borers.

PRESERVATION: Sapwood easy preserved and heartwood not treatable with creosote or CCA-A, even with pressure-vacuum systems.

USES: Interior and exterior construction (beams, shakes, panels, window shutters, doorposts, window sashes, baseboards and framing), railroads crossties (sleepers), flooring, furniture, musical instruments, tool handles, bridges, turnery and many other applications.

Sucupira and other species and specifications can be direct shipped from our sawn mill in Brazil.
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